Creamy Onion Pasta

If you’re looking for a cozy plant-based pasta that’s filling and delicious, look no further. The chickpea pasta offers protein and the white wine sauce brings allll the flavor. 


  • 1 large yellow onion
  • EVOO, to taste
  • 1 box Banza rigatoni pasta
  • 3 tbsp garlic hummus 
  • 4 cloves roasted garlic, smashed
  • 1/2 c white wine
  • 2 c vegetable broth 
  • Coarse sea salt and cracked black pepper, to taste 
  • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • Fresh Rosemary, to taste
  • 1 crown of broccolini 


  1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. 
  2. Chop and caramelize the onion. Set aside.
  3. Wash and chop the broccolini. Toss it in EVOO, salt, and pepper and roast on 425 for 15 – 20 minutes.
  4. While the broccolini is roasting, add the hummus, roasted garlic, white wine, veggie broth, salt, pepper, and nutritional yeast in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir to combine and let simmer.
  5. Once the sauce is well combined, add the pasta and bring to a boil. Cook until the pasta is tender.
  6. Remove from heat and place in serving bowls. Top with the caramelized onion, roasted broccolini, and fresh rosemary. Enjoy! 

This is one of my favorite cozy pasta recipes yet! I can’t wait for you to try it. When you do, be sure to comment below or message me on Instagram @healthbyhaven.

Kitchen Sink Brunch Bowl

This recipe was born from the need to empty out our fridge in Knox before our move to NYC. It turned out so delicious that I had to share! Even if you don’t have these exact ingredients, I hope it inspires you to create your own version of the kitchen sink bowl!

Ingredients (serves 2)

  • 1/2 c farro
  • 4 eggs, scrambled
  • 1 red bell pepper, sliced
  • 1/2 red onion, sliced
  • 4 carrots, coined
  • 1 c spinach, chopped
  • 1/2 c cherry tomatoes
  • Roasted garlic, to your hearts desire
  • Coarse sea salt and black pepper
  • Vegan or regular parmesan


  1. Cook the farro according to package directions.
  2. While the farro is cooking, wash and chop the bell pepper, red onion, and carrots. Toss in EVOO, salt, and pepper. Roast on 425 degrees for about 20 min.
  3. Next, chop the spinach and set aside.
  4. Scramble the eggs while the veggies and farro is cooking.
  5. With about 3 min left on the veggies, toss the tomatoes on the tray to blister.
  6. While the veggies are finishing, take the farro off the stovetop and put in serving bowls. Add salt, pepper, roasted garlic and parmesan to your preference.
  7. Add the scrambled eggs, roasted veggies, and chopped spinach to the farro.
  8. Mix well and enjoy!

Send me photos of your own version of the Kitchen Sink Brunch Bowl on Instagram @healthbyhaven

Lemon Pepper Quinoa Bowl

When the temps start to rise, I start to crave simple grains and veggie meals. That being said, if you don’t cook them right, veggies and grains can be boring and lacking flavor. Not! This! Meal! The lemon, pepper, and garlic flavors pack and punch and complement each other perfectly. It will no doubt leave you wanting more!


  • 1 c tri-colored quinoa
  • 1/4 c garlic hummus
  • 1/2 head of cauliflower 
  • 1/2 head of broccoli 
  • 1 zucchini 
  • 1 yellow squash 
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Wash and chop the veggies. Add them all to a mixing bowl and coat in EVOO. Then add salt and pepper and toss again. 
  3. Spread the seasoned veggies on a lined baking sheet and roast for 15-20 minutes, until a fork sticks through easily and the bottoms are a bit crispy.
  4. While the veggies are roasting, cook the quinoa according to package directions. 
  5. When the quinoa is cooked, remove from the stovetop and place in a serving bowl. Add lemon, salt, pepper and garlic hummus and mix well.
  6. Remove the veggies from the oven and add to the quinoa mixture. 
  7. Serve and enjoy!

I love it when you guys message me telling me you made an HxH meal! If you make this one, let me know in the comments below or over on Instagram @healthbyhaven

Cinnamon Walnut Banana Bread Smoothie

After being on a berry smoothie kick for a while now, this morning I woke up craving a cozy smoothie flavor. Anyone else think spices and nuttiness makes your meal feel extra cozy?! If you love a cozy breakfast, but don’t want to eat something hot to start your summer morning, you have to try this smoothie!


  • 1 c unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • 1 date
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 c frozen riced cauliflower
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 c walnuts


  1. Blend it all up and enjoy!

Let me know what ya think of this smoothie in the comments below or on Instagram @healthbyhaven.

Simple Breakfast Plate

Can I let you in on a little secret? Sometimes I get hangry… Add in a hard workout and the hanger escalates tenfold. SO, when I get home from a tough run and I need to refuel quickly before the hanger sets in (& for optimal muscle recovery, of course!), I make this Simple Breakfast Plate. You can put it together in under 5 minutes, and viola! – you have a filling meal packed with protein and fresh produce. 


  • 3 eggs
  • 1 c spring mix
  • Handful of multicolored cherry tomatoes
  • Balsamic vinegar, EVOO, cracked black pepper, and sea salt, to taste


  1. Heat a skillet on the stovetop on medium heat.
  2. While the skillet is heating, wash and plate the spring mix and tomatoes to create a salad base for your Simple Breakfast Plate.
  3. Next, whisk 3 eggs and pour into the skillet on the stovetop. If your skillet isn’t non-stick, be sure to season with EVOO first!
  4. Cook the scrambled eggs to your desired finish and add to your salad plate.
  5. Drizzle balsamic vinegar and EVOO on your salad and season your entire plate with cracked black pepper and sea salt, to taste.
  6. Serve up and enjoy this simple, nutritious meal!

What’s your go-to post-workout breakfast? I’m always looking for new ideas to add into my rotation! Let me know your faves in the comments below, and I hope this Simple Breakfast Plate gets added into your rotation!

Easter Salad

Happy Easter!! The colors of this salad are giving Easter, so it seemed like a fitting name! Plus, it is super easy to put together and serve with your Easter dinner.


  • Arugula (spring mix or spinach would both be great here too!)
  • Blueberries 
  • Blackberries
  • Beets
  • Picked onion
  • Avocado
  • Slivered almonds (or chopped walnuts!)
  • Balsamic vinegar & EVOO


  1. Over a bed of greens, add the quantity of toppings to your heart’s desire! The more the merrier in my opinion, just be sure to balance the picked flavor with the freshness from the blueberries and the healthy fats from the nuts and avocado. 
  2. Serve & enjoy!

What dishes do you love serving at holidays? Let me know in the comments below or on Instagram @healthbyhaven. I hope you add this salad to your rotation next holiday meal!

Copycat Tomato Head Salad

For all my Knoxville friends – you know how incredibly delicious and nutritious food from The Tomato Head is. My favorite salad they make is the House Salad. I know!! House Salads are usually really boring – like sad, wilted lettuce with a few tomatoes. But not theirs!

Soooo to avoid spending all my money at Tomato Head, I had to take a stab at my own version of their House Salad. I think I nailed it, so I had to share! (PS you should still def support this local business. This recipe is for those in between days and out-of-towners!)


  • Romaine
  • Purple cabbage, shredded
  • Carrots, shredded
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Red onion, diced
  • Mushrooms, thinly sliced
  • Black olives
  • Cucumber, diced
  • Green pepper, diced
  • Avocado, diced
  • Alfalfa sprouts
  • Top with: balsamic vinegar, EVOO, salt, black pepper, oregano, & lotsss of basil


  1. Wash & chop everything. 
  2. Add ingredient amounts to your preference! If you love olives, add more. If you hate mushrooms, leave them out.
  3. Toss in the toppings listed above and enjoy!

I love to make this salad as meal-prepped lunches, but it can also be an amazing starter salad or star of a dinner party! Let me know when you make it by commenting below or messaging me on Instagram @healthbyhaven

Almond Butter Blueberry Toast

If you’re looking for a super quick, filling snack, I’ve got ya covered. You probably have most of these ingredients on hand. The whole grains in the bread are a healthy carb source, the almond butter is full of natural fats and protein, keeping you satisfied. The blueberries are packed with antioxidants and pack a great burst of flavor and freshness, and the drizzle of natural honey is a little sweetness without all the processed sugar. I love this snack when I’m in a marathon training block and tend to be extra hungry!


  • whole grain bread (I like @daveskillerbread)
  • almond butter (look for a clean ingredient list)
  • blueberries
  • natural honey


  1. Toast the bread
  2. Lather it up with almond butter
  3. Top with blueberries
  4. Drizzle with honey
  5. Enjoy!!

Let me know your favorite toast toppings below or over on Instagram on @healthbyhaven

2024 Knoxville Marathon Recap

2024 Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon

3 hrs 45 min 44 sec

3rd in my age group, 16th female

Today was notttt my day haha! No PR (although I did get a course PR), no BQ, lotta pain & positive self talk to try to get out of it (I promise I tried @deena8050!!!), but it was a beautiful day, I have the ability to move my body, and I got to share that sweet, sweet finish line with my favorite people. Oh and beer to celebrate (duh). All in all, I can’t complain.

Tired legs, happy heart 🤍

I shared the above sentiment 6 hours after crossing the finish line of the 2024 Knoxville Marathon. This race was not my goal race for 2024 (see my 2024 Houston Marathon Recap for more on that), nor was I originally intending to run the full marathon. The last two years I’ve registered for the Knoxville Half Marathon wayyy in advance to stop myself from running the full. Well, we see how well that tactic has worked (see my 2023 Knoxville Marathon Recap). Oops. 

That being said, since last July I made qualifying for the Boston Marathon (BQing) my running goal. For a female in my age group, that means running below a 3 hour and 30 min marathon. I went hard for that goal in Houston this January. Like, really hard. And I narrowly missed that time. So even though Knoxville wasn’t my goal race, of course I had that time standard in the back of my mind.

So, I jumped straight into another marathon training block after Houston to prepare for Knoxville (would not recommend this tactic). In yesterday’s race, I went out hot. Clearly too hot, because I kind of went up in flames after about 10 miles. Here’s the mile-by-mile play by play if you’re interested: 

  • Getting to the start: I LOVE that I can walk from my apartment to the start line of this race. It’s part of what convinces me to run the full each year. This one’s about as low stress as they come for me. That being said, I probablyyyy should have left 5 min earlier to get to the start yesterday. I was assigned the A corral and the Clinch Ave. bridge was so packed out by the time I got to the start line I couldn’t make my way to the front. I started with the B wave which was fine, it just meant I did a lot of unnecessary weaving through the crowd for the first few miles.
  • Mile 1: My watch beeped at 7:53 pace. Exactly the pace I wanted to hit down to the second. I saw it as a sign that it was my day.
  • Mile 1.5: I dropped 2 of my gels. Maybe not my day.
  • Miles 4-8: Always my favorite section of the course. It’s through Sequoia Hills, arguably the hilliest and most challenging part of the course, but man does that neighborhood show out! I’m talking crowds out cheering, people tailgating the race in their front yards, tons of music, and even a house that cooks bacon right on the road for the runners if they want to risk some potentially questionable stomach-related results from the free snack. I saw several Pure Barre friends in the neighborhood which gave me a great boost! I was still on pace and feeling relatively good. 
  • Mile 8: Noelton Hill. Always a doozy, but I pushed through.
  • Miles 8 – 11ish: On the greenway. It was nice and peaceful, but this is where I started to feel the results of an aggressive pace through the hills. I tried to just keep putting one foot in front of the other (quickly!).
  • Mile 11ish: Getting off the greenway and through UT’s campus and college houses started feeling really tough. I forgot how many sneaky uphills are in this section.
  • Mile 12.5 or so: The half marathoners split off the course towards the finish line. I started to question why I voluntarily decided not to go with them…
  • Mile 13.1: I was a bit disappointed to see I hit the halfway mark at 1 hr 48 min. That’s when I knew there was no way I was negative splitting 6 minutes in the second half to hit my goal time. I had to accept it and decided to just try to enjoy running in the beautiful weather for the second half without going too deep into the pain cave. 
  • Mile 14: I saw Billy, Jake and my dad for the first time since the start. It was a great boost! Swapped my headband for my hat.
  • Miles 14 – 18: Some of the more challenging miles of the race. The runners and the crowds on the sidelines reallyyyy thin out and I was wishing I had my headphones for a little extra music motivation. This part of the course is mostly in the direct sun, and I was starting to regret my long sleeve shirt.
  • Mile 17ish: A lone sideline supporter in a camp chair and his dog were howling back and forth on the side of the road. It truly gave me the giggles and a welcomed boost in a remote area of the race.
  • Mile 19: I saw my fam again and passed off my gloves. I remember telling them “I hurt so bad”, which, of course, was a bad decision because vocalizing that feeling made the pain more real. I felt a catch in my throat and really had to work to take some deep breaths and shift my focus, so I could keep breathing and keep running.
  • Mile 20-21: This stretch crosses the James White Parkway bridge. Perhaps the most challenging mile of the course, in my opinion. I was dreading this section from last year, but luckily I fell in line with another runner on the course. We didn’t speak, but we ran the length of the bridge side by side and his matching stride really helped get me across. Thank you, kind stranger! I hope the rest of his race went well.
  • Miles 21 – 24.5: A sluggish blur through Island Homes. The pain was different than Houston. There, I was digging deep, but it was my decision and I still felt strong. Knox just felt like I couldn’t will my legs to go any faster, which was super frustrating. 
  • Mile 24.5: FINALLY made it to the Gay St. bridge and I was so happy to be feeling the pain going up the hill to get there. I knew when I crossed the bridge and made it back into downtown that I would be entering the last mile of the race.
  • Mile 25: Gay St. has never felt so long. It’s amazing how the slightest uphill at this point felt nearly impossible. I kept telling myself “the only way out is through.”
  • Finish: After what felt like maybe the hardest marathon of my life, I finally made it to the finish and to my family. Certainly the best part of the day.

I’m honestly not upset about how the race went yesterday. In Houston I was crushed, in Knoxville I tried to keep a positive mindset despite how I was feeling. I know the course isn’t BQ or PR friendly (helloooo elevation profile) and I knew it wasn’t my goal race for the year. I was honestly just so thrilled to see my family along the course and SO happy when I FINALLY crossed that finish line and I got to spend the rest of the day celebrating with my family over pizza and beer.

Next time you’re preparing for a race I highly recommend Deena Kastor’s book, Let Your Mind Run. I re-read it before every marathon and I truly believe her reminders of the power of positive thinking got me across the finish line yesterday. Remember, we’re allowed to have big goals and dreams and be sad if we fall short. It will make achieving them all the sweeter when it happens.

Here’s to many more miles, though I’m excited to focus on some shorter distances in the near future 🙂 

xoxo – Haven

Stacked Veggie Wrap

I probably should have learned from the professionals (@ Chipotle) about how to properly roll a wrap before attempting this. The veggie mixture is just so dang flavorful I mayyy have overstuffed the tortilla a bit. Anyways – this wrap is a great way to use up the random veggies in your fridge and it’s an ultra flavor-packed lunch! I hope you love it as much as I do!


  • 1 tortilla 
  • 2 tbsp garlic hummus
  • 2 tbsp dijon mustard
  • 1/2 avocado, mashed
  • Large handful of spinach 
  • Pickled onions
  • Banana peppers
  • Diced cucumber 
  • Cherry tomatoes, halved 


  1. Spread garlic hummus on the tortilla.
  2. Mash the avocado and spread on top of the hummus.
  3. Chop all the veggies, including the spinach, and place in a mixing bowl. Drizzle with dijon mustard and toss well.
  4. Add the veggie mixture onto your tortilla and rollll it up, babbyyy.
  5. Enjoy!

Let me know if you make this delish wrap for your work lunches by commenting below or send me a photo of your creation on instagram @healthbyhaven. Did you change it up? I wanna know!! I love seeing your HxH creations!